6 Tips to sell your Hermès handbag

If you have been thinking about selling one of your Hermès handbags or if you are a luxury reseller but need some more advice to sell your merchandise, we want to give you some tips to sell your Hermès handbag, to seize its value to the maximum and obtain a good return after the sale.

Keep reading and find out!

  1. Research the luxury resale market
  2. Inspect your handbag and its components
  3. Research your marketplace options
  4. Contact professional resellers to aid you
  5. Be clear and honest with the buyer
  6. Make a secure transaction and shipment

1. Research the luxury resale market


Before even thinking of selling your Hermès handbag, it is important that you take your time to research the latest trends in the luxury resale market, this way you can know which handbags are reaching higher values at the moment, and which characteristics are the most sought-after. 

With this in mind, you can know for sure if it is the right moment to sell the Hermès handbag, or if it is wiser to wait a little bit longer before putting it for sale. Another good idea is to search for bags with the same characteristics as yours and check the value that they are getting and how much they’re selling. 

Keep in mind that if the bag you want to sell is way too new to the market, it may not reach as high value as an older bag, this is because the vintage quality and the rarity of the bag make it more valuable. There is an exception to this if your bag is from a limited edition or if it features a new color from the most recent Hermès collection.

2. Inspect your handbag and its components


When selling a Hermès handbag, it is imperative to check every single detail about it, not only to make sure that it is in a good condition for sale but also to confirm its authenticity and know if all of its components are complete. Take a moment to review your bag thoroughly, and make sure that you still have the original invoice from the store and the payment ticket, this bonus can give the buyer an extra way to confirm the authenticity of the product.

You should also check the orange box, the dustbag, the rain cover, and every little detail that came with the purchase of your original bag; the more components you have, the better you can price your handbag and offer more trust to the buyers.

This is a good opportunity to also check if the bag has been kept in good condition, if its materials are still intact, or if they have been well taken care of. If you feel that your Hermès handbag needs a restoration before selling it, it is advised to rely on the Hermès maintenance services, even if you need to pay, it is worth it to obtain a higher value when selling the bag.

3. Research your marketplace options


Currently, there are hundreds of marketplace options for luxury resale, and although it is pretty common to find them everywhere online, you should always explore which one is the best option for you. Even if it is the easiest way you can think of, selling your handbag through a marketplace can bring more disadvantages than advantages.

This is because you are basically purchasing a spot on a website to sell your item because it is never a free service. The commissions to sell your items can take up a great amount of the value you’re earning, especially when your bag sells for a lot of money. This means that you’re not completely seizing the investment you made and obtaining the whole value you would get if you sell the item on your own.

Luxury resale marketplaces can also impose other problems, like having to ship your item to their location for the authenticity inspection, so you may have to pay extra for the shipping, and you may not trust them with your handbag, there are many scammers in this market. 

The process of selling in an online marketplace can take longer and be more tedious because of the many requisites that you need to have, so sometimes it is not worth the effort. Your handbag may be lost between the many other handbags and luxury products, and you probably have to pay for higher visibility.

So, where to sell your Hermès handbag? We offer you this magnificent option in Resellers Connector.

4. Contact professional resellers to aid you


If you’re new to the luxury resale market, sometimes it may be difficult to trust who to sell your Hermès handbag, and the online marketplaces don’t help with all the requisites and money you need to pay. That’s why it is wiser to make your first sale to a professional reseller, who can guide you through the process and teach you many things about the market.

By contacting a professional reseller, or being part of a community of luxury resellers, you’re not only going to be able to sell your Hermès handbag faster, but also you can know about the latest trends, values, and available items for purchase. It doesn’t matter if you’re selling your first Hermès handbag, or if you’re giving your first steps to becoming a professional reseller, this can help you tremendously.

To be part of our community for luxury resellers,  to find customers, and be able to sell faster, become a member for free.

5. Be clear and honest with the buyer


Once you find the perfect buyer for your Hermès handbag, you must maintain effective communication with them and answer all of their doubts to make the sale easier. If you decide to sell your handbag to another reseller, this process may be easier because these professionals are used to making these transactions and they may take care of almost all the process. If you find a regular client instead, you need to help them with all the information and be very clear.

The key to success in selling your Hermès bag is that you commit to being honest and talk about all the features of the bag, even if you need to tell them that it has some minor deterioration. Don’t keep any detail to yourself and be fast to prove that your handbag is authentic if you’re sure of it.

This communication with the buyer will make them more prone to continue the purchase and will help you establish a relationship of trust that can help you in the near future if you continue to sell Hermès handbags.

6. Make a secure transaction and shipment


The transaction details will depend on the method of payment you agreed with the buyer, but it is really important that everything is secure and that you communicate about how to send the money and ship the item. Some buyers may be reluctant to pay if they don’t know that the item is on its way, but you may also hesitate to send it if you haven’t received the payment, that’s why it needs to be a compromise and an agreement beforehand.

Once you get to an agreement, you can start making the transaction and shipping the item, you should take into account that some countries have different shipping requisites and you must be informed of all of them, especially if your buyer is located in a different country or even continent. You can make the shipping through a trustworthy shipping service, such as UPS, FedEx, or DHL.

While shipping a highly valuable luxury item, your buyer will require insurance in case the handbag gets lost or if it suffers an accident, these services may be hired outside the shipping company or they may be included in the shipping. Make sure to agree on all of this with your buyer.

To ship the Hermès handbag you must prepare secure packaging and apply the correct labels to complete the process. Take a look at how to ship a Hermès handbag.

What do you think of these 6 tips to sell your Hermès handbag? 

We hope they were useful for you, to start your journey as a luxury reseller or to help you sell your first Hermès handbag. 

Be part of our community of luxury resellers.

Sell your Hermès handbags and seize your investment today!