The Ultimate Guide to European Hermès Invoices for Professionals

As a professional reseller of luxury items, it's crucial to have a complete understanding of the products you are selling, and this includes their invoices. In this article, we will be discussing the ultimate guide to European Hermès invoices for professionals. Understanding the information presented in an Hermès invoice is essential in providing an honest and transparent transaction, which is important when it relates to luxury items.

  1. Classic Hermès invoice
  2. Hermès invoice variant

Classic Hermès invoice


The most common type of Hermès invoice is the classic invoice, which is issued in all physical stores. It has a heavier weight than a standard sheet and a characteristic matte finish of its paper. In the center of the invoice appears the emblematic Hermès symbol in a faint yellowish color.

The invoice comes with a carbon copy paper as a secondary sheet, and the store uses it and keeps the copy. In some stores in Eastern Europe, it is common to find original invoices without the central logo, so be aware of this detail if you come across one of these invoices.

The origin print data, such as store data, should always be printed in black. The purchase data is usually seen in a different ink, which tends to be lighter and can be blue or gray, depending on the printer's ink in the store. It's important to note that all Hermès stores use this format by default.

However, during COVID-19, some distance sales were performed and payments were carried out through the website, then the invoices were issued from the store's back office and sent by email to the buyer. These invoices were printed on the paper of the recipient of the invoice, so they may vary depending on the type of paper they chose.

Below we provide a detailed reference of each content that should appear on a classic European Hermès invoice:



Hermès invoice variant


The second type of Hermès invoice is issued in shopping malls in Europe, mainly in Italy, and Poland. This type of invoice is characterized by thermal printing, which makes it much lighter than the classic invoice.

For this reason, over time, the information may fade, as the paper is sensitive to heat and humidity. It is important to note that data fade due to heat and contact with other external factors. It is recommended that thermally printed invoices be stored in a sealed paper envelope and backed up by scanning and/or photocopying. Please note that thermal printing has a shelf life of up to six months.

Below is a detailed description of the contents of a European Hermès invoice variant:



Now you know how to identify authentic European Hermès invoices!

We hope this ultimate guide to European Hermès invoices for professionals has provided useful insights into the two primary types of invoices issued in Hermès stores in Europe. Knowing these details will help you conduct your business with greater confidence and expertise.

If you’re looking for more tips or detailed elements to help you perform your sales, click here and browse our blog for Hermès resellers. Don’t miss out!

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