Which materials do you need to ship a Hermès handbag?

Shipping an Hermès handbag after its sale is a very important step for a luxury reseller because this entails that the product reaches the client’s destination in a perfect state. This is important to build a good reputation for the reseller and also to please the customers with good service.

To create a good package to ship the Hermès handbag you sold, you will need certain indispensable materials to keep it safe, next, we will show you which materials do you need to ship a Hermès handbag. Pay attention and get them for your luxury resale business.

Learn how to ship a Hermès handbag.

  1. Sturdy box
  2. Polystyrene chips filling
  3. Package tape
  4. Label sticker paper
  5. Plastic bags
  6. Bubble wrap

Sturdy box


To package a Hermès handbag for shipping it is indispensable that you have a proper box to send it, in most cases the shipping companies can provide it to you, depending on the measurements of the product you need to ship. However, if you need to buy it, it is important that you get a sturdy cardboard box that is big enough for the Hermès orange box. We recommend you take your time to measure the Hermès box and include some extra centimeters so it can have a little bit of room when it is placed inside.


Polystyrene chips filling


When making a package to ship, it is very important that the items are kept intact inside the box, that is why you need to use some filling that can be put between the big box and the Hermès orange box, that way it won’t suffer any scratching or banging while being transported.

There are currently many options of polystyrene chips online that you can buy to apply to your packages for shipping. However, today there is a more sustainable option created of green cell foam that allows the recipient of the package to dissolve them in water for an easier way to dispose of them, and also an environment-friendly solution.

Package tape


Packaging a Hermès handbag is not complete without a good tape to finish closing the box, for this purpose, you will need a very sturdy tape, like that used to pack boxes for moving. Luckily there are thousands of options of package tape online, as well as in every hardware store in most cities, so it will be easy to access this material for packing your Hermès handbags for shipment.

Label sticker paper


An essential material to any luxury reseller is label sticker paper, this special paper is used to print labels and allow them to stick outside the boxes to ship Hermès handbags to their destinations. After the paperwork is filled out to make the shipment of a high-value accessory, the shipping company sends a label to the reseller’s email, so that they can print it using this paper. Sometimes they also send the label via mail to their address, so it depends. However, it is never a bad idea to purchase some label sticker paper to print any kind of label that you may need for your luxury resale business.

Plastic bags


Although this is one of the most common materials, and they are easily found in households, it is necessary to mention it, so that you can have a complete understanding of what you need to ship a Hermès handbag. Plastic bags are commonly used to apply them around the big box, to secure it with an extra layer of cushion with tape. For this, you can use a regular trash bag or a stronger option.

If you want to secure your packages or any documents that you need to send, like authentication documents from a Hermès handbag, we recommend you use shipping bags, in these specialized bags, your documents will be protected from temperature fluctuations and any other accidents during the shipping.

Bubble wrap


When packaging a Hermès handbag for shipping, you're going to need as much protection as you can, because sometimes the filling you add may not be enough to keep the Hermès orange box from scratching and moving around inside the box. That is why you can also apply a layer of bubble wrap that covers the whole orange box, you can secure it with packing tape and complete a very sturdy packaging to ship the luxury item. 

Do you have all the materials you need to ship a Hermès handbag? 

We hope we have been of help to you, so you can find all the materials to make a good package and secure your luxury goods from any accident or rough handling. Surely, if you keep a good packaging routine for every Hermès handbag you sell, you will gain a good reputation amongst your clients.

Do you want to be part of a professional luxury reseller community? Become a member of Resellers Connector, a space designed to help you grow your business and get many more Hermès handbag sales.

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