5 steps to Identify an Authentic Hermès Handbag

In the Hermès resale market, there’s a significant concern about the authenticity of the handbags, and rightly so. In the luxury resale market, thousands of counterfeit bags are being sold as authentic, so you need to be alert. That’s why we’ve compiled 5 steps to help you identify an authentic Hermès handbag.

Keep reading and discover how to look for the right signs of a genuine Hermès bag!

  1. Check the materials and structure
  2. Look at the Hardware
  3. Pay attention to the stitching
  4. Look for stamps, prints and metal engravings
  5. Demand official invoices
  6. How to avoid a fake Hermès bag?

1. Check the materials and structure


Although all Hermès handbags have different structures, especially the exclusive bags, they can still be identified if you recognize their original shape. Here is an easy way to tell them apart and recognize badly made or deficient Hermès bag structures. These are the original features of Hermès handbags:

  • Hermès Birkin bag: The Birkin is a square-shaped bag that can sit perfectly upright when placed on a surface. It features a three-part closing flap and two "U" shaped handles that remain firm without sagging. The bag also includes two closing straps and a typical turning closure. Additionally, it comes with a “clochette”, two keys, and a padlock that can be hung from the bag’s front handle. The Birkin bag is available in two versions: “Retourné” and “Sellier”. The “Retourné” version is softer and saggier, while the “Sellier” version is stiffer and firmer. The “Retourné” is the original construction of the Birkin.
  • Hermès Kelly bag: With its iconic trapezoidal silhouette, is instantly recognizable. In addition to its unique shape, this bag features a straight closing flap and a sturdy, thick handle. It also includes two closing straps, a turning closure, and a “clochette” with two keys and a padlock. The Kelly bag sits perfectly upright on a surface and is available in both “Sellier” and “Retourné” versions, with “Sellier” being the original construction of a Kelly. The Kelly bag comes with a strap that can be attached for comfortable use.
  • Hermès Constance bag: The Constance bag is a square, small and compact handbag. Featuring a straight closing flap with an "H" shaped clasp, the bag exudes sophistication with the "H" serifs pointing outwards. The Constance bag also has a strap that can be adapted for either double or single use.

If a Hermès handbag of each of these models doesn’t have these characteristics, or if the construction is rough, badly shaped or cheap, you can be certain that it is a counterfeit.

Aside from overall structure, Hermès handbags’ sizes need to be checked when looking for authenticity, the size can be determined by measuring the length of the base of a bag in centimeters. If a bag meets the right centimeters as the size it says to be, then it is a good sign, but if a bag has a size that doesn’t exist on its model, then it is a counterfeit. Here are the available sizes for each Hermès bag:

  • Birkin bag sizes: 25, 30, 35, 40.
  • Kelly bag sizes: 25, 28, 32, 35, 40.
  • Constance bag sizes: 14, 18, 24.

On the other hand, we also have to talk about the materials that are part of the Hermès handbags. All of the materials used by the brand are from the highest quality possible, they are all natural skins, either calfskin, goatskin, lambskin, crocodile, alligator, lizard and ostrich. This is why they have a very distinctive touch and smell, with a smooth texture, scally touch or pore characteristic, depending on the skin. The scent of natural skin is very particular, so it can’t be mistaken for fake handbags made of plastic, that usually exude a chemical smell.

However, nowadays the Hermès counterfeiters are becoming increasingly detailed in their work, often producing specialized copies that are difficult to distinguish from authentic bags. It’s important to clarify that the authenticity of a Hermès bag cannot be determined solely based on its materials. A more comprehensive examination is required.

2. Look at the Hardware


The hardware is a crucial element of Hermès handbags, lending them a distinctive shine and sophistication. Authentic Hermès hardware is characterized by its high shine and refined finish, free from excessive dents, peeling, or showing another color beneath the plating. Another key characteristic is its weight. Since Hermès hardware is plated in precious metals, it has a sturdy and dense feel, and should not be overly light.

Hermès hardware is made of brass (an alloy of copper and zinc) that is then plated in gold, palladium, permabrass or ruthenium, it can also be found on white gold and rose gold, as well as brushed versions of gold and palladium, which tend to be matte and not shiny. Either way, these materials are of the highest quality and it can easily be seen if you take the time to examine them and touch them.

All pieces of hardware must be examined when assessing the authenticity of a bag. The hardware is composed of the following pieces:

  • Closure straps’ plaques
  • Turning closure
  • “H” Constance clasp
  • Rings to attach the straps on Kelly and Constance bags
  • Square hooks at the front of Birkin bags.
  • Padlocks and keys on Birkin and Kelly bags
  • Birkin and Kelly’s bottom studs.
  • Inner pocket zippers.
  • Clasps to attach the Kelly’s strap to the bag.

All of these pieces of hardware should be of a single color throughout the bag, which means that a bag with palladium hardware should be plated in the same material everywhere, it can’t have a mixture of platings. Keep this in mind to identify fake bags!

3. Pay attention to the stitching


Stitching is a hallmark of the Hermès brand, reflecting the fashion house’s origins and its time-honored techniques for working with leather. This is particularly true for Hermès handbags, which are crafted from natural skins that require meticulous stitching to achieve their iconic structure. Therefore, examining the stitching is a crucial step in verifying the authenticity of a bag.

The seams of an authentic Hermès bag must be of great precision and quality, often following a diagonal pattern, as they are made with the same techniques that the brand’s founder used to stitch saddles. The seams should also be symmetrical, and if there are a number of stitches on one side of the bag, they need to be exactly the same on the other side.

The stitches on Hermès handbags are placed very close together to enhance the material’s resistance and ensure longevity. These stitches are crafted from high-quality linen thread, which is coated in beeswax to extend its durability, making it difficult for them to unravel or loosen. Each bag is stitched with threads of the same color of its materials, except in special cases such as Hermès Special Order bags, or certain Gold colored bags that feature beige seams.

4. Look for stamps, prints and metal engravings


Another keypoint to tell if a Hermès bag is authentic is to look for the authenticity markings that Hermès applies to its creations, as even if counterfeiters try to duplicate them, they are not completely able to reach Hermès’ perfection. For this you need to check for three main elements: stamps, prints and metal engravings.

Stamps, date stamps or blind stamps are heat-stamps that Hermès applies to its handbags to mark the year of creation and the specific code to a handbag. No Hermès bag has the same code as another, they are completely unique codes. They are composed of six digits or letters, the first letter represents the year of creation of the bag, while the rest of the code identifies the workshop and country in which the handbag was made. Aside from the 6 numbers and letters, there are also two additional characters below that indicate a location.

On modern Hermès bags, the date stamps are located in the upper corner of the bag’s interior. These stamps are designed to be clear and easy to read. However, it’s worth noting that their visibility can sometimes vary depending on the material used for the bag.

Prints are markings that Hermès applies to represent the brand’s name, and contrary to the stamps, they are not heat-stamped on the leather, but printed on top. The main print that you need to look out for is the “Hermès - Paris - Made in France” print that is located on the front of each bag, under the closing flap. This print needs to be exactly of the same color as the hardware of the bag, so if a Birkin has gold hardware, the printing should be golden. The typography of this print is very particular, with clear letters, neither too big nor too small. This print is also accompanied by additional symbols if a bag is made of exotic skins. 

Metal engravings are crucial, fine details that distinguish a genuine Hermès bag. These engravings are found on most of the hardware. The main metal engraving is located on the left closing plaque of Birkin and Kelly bags, as well as at the base of the “H” on the Constance clasp. This engraving, reading “Hermès - Paris”, should be crisp and clear, with the word “Hermès” featuring the correct French accent mark. Additionally, Hermès padlocks and keys bear important engravings. It’s essential to verify that the numbers on the keys and padlock match, and that the word ‘Hermès’ is engraved at the bottom of the padlock.

5. Demand official invoices


When purchasing a Hermès handbag on the luxury resale market, you need to be very alert and always demand the official invoice. This document is of great value when trying to prove the authenticity of a Hermès bag. Invoices contain all the characteristics of a bag, such as the model, size, skin, color, hardware, type of construction, date stamp and more. So this is the only way to assess that a previously checked handbag is indeed authentic, if all the characteristics described in the invoice match the bag, and also the date stamp inside of it.

However, an additional document that can be requested is the payment receipt. This receipt allows you to cross-verify the date and time of purchase, as well as the exact amount paid at the store. These details should align perfectly with the data on the official invoice. By cross-referencing the payment receipt and the official invoice, you can certify the authenticity of a bag after an examination based on these parameters or by seeking professional expertise.

How to avoid a fake Hermès bag?


If you want to avoid buying a fake Hermès bag by accident, there are certain precautions you can take to minimize your risks of purchasing one. Here are some tips to do it:

  • Try to buy from official stores: Although it may be difficult to buy all your handbags from the official stores, try to build a good profile at a particular store to buy from it, so you can be certain of the product's authenticity.
  • Don’t buy from just any online marketplace: Don’t trust just any online marketplace, they are usually full of scammers and counterfeiters. Don’t buy from resellers that don’t offer enough pictures or safety.
  • Check the credibility of the reseller before buying from them: Before purchasing a bag from a Hermès reseller, make sure to check online to see if this person has reviews, look for someone with credibility, good reviews and some years of experience. Steer clear from any reseller that doesn’t offer official invoices or authenticity documents.
  • Join a safe community of Hermès resellers: To make safe deals and always obtain the bag that you need for your business, join a safe community of Hermès resellers, an exclusive place for professionals that only deal with authentic products. A community that filters its members and excludes scammers and counterfeiters. Resellers Connector is your choice!

Additionally, we want to give you some more detailed guides to identify real Hermès handbags. Here are our guides depending on each model:

Now that you know these 5 steps to identify an authentic Hermès handbag, you’re ready to stay away from any fake products and operate a clean business as a Hermès reseller.

To explore further our Hermès reseller community, join us for free and get​​​​​​​ advantages to buy and sell Hermès handbags, all under the protection of a safe environment and valuable connections. 

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